
About Us

Five dudes, a camera, and a friendly bet. That's how Dude Perfect was born. Since then, it has grown into a global phenomenon reaching millions of fans ...

Videos | Dude Perfect Wiki

This is a list of all Dude Perfect episodes / videos on their channel, Dude Perfect. The longest video currently is Overtime 9 of 24:05 Their 100th video ...

Overtime All Episodes | Dude Perfect Wiki

Episodes. Can you Crush a Diamond with a Hammer? | OT 1; World's Longest LEGO Walk | OT 2; Fortnite with Ninja | OT 3; The Net Gun | OT 4 ...

Dude Perfect Wiki

Dude Perfect is a YouTube trick shot team consisting of Tyler Toney, Garrett Hilbert, Cody Jones, Cory Cotton, Coby Cotton, and Panda. Dude Perfect · Tyler · Cody · Garrett

Dude Perfect

Dude Perfect (DP) is an American sports and comedy group and YouTube channel headquartered in Frisco, Texas. The group consists of Tyler The Beard Toney, ... The Dude Perfect Show · Beta Upsilon Chi · Brodie Smith (ultimate)

The Dude Perfect Show

The Dude Perfect Show is an American reality and comedy television program that premiered on CMT on April 14, 2016, and moved to Nickelodeon on July 16, ...

Who is Dude Perfect?

Dude Perfect is an American sports and comedy group known for their spectacular trick shots and hilarious video sketches. Originating from their college ...

File:Dude Perfect logo.svg - Wikipedia

More to explore · Dude Perfect · Dude Perfect Stickers for Sale. Unique Dude Perfect stickers featuring millions of original designs created and ...

Dude Perfect

Dude Perfect (DP) is an American sports and comedy group and YouTube channel headquartered in Frisco, Texas. The group consists of Tyler The Beard Toney, ...


Fivedudes,acamera,andafriendlybet.That'showDudePerfectwasborn.Sincethen,ithasgrownintoaglobalphenomenonreachingmillionsoffans ...,ThisisalistofallDudePerfectepisodes/videosontheirchannel,DudePerfect.ThelongestvideocurrentlyisOvertime9of24:05Their100thvideo ...,Episodes.CanyouCrushaDiamondwithaHammer?|OT1;World'sLongestLEGOWalk|OT2;FortnitewithNinja|OT3;TheNetGun|OT4 ...,DudePerfectisaYouTubetr...